A Matter of Touch

Annelie Grimwade Olofsson

Annelie Grimwade Olofsson 

Ceramic and functional artist


A Matter of Touch

Metal, epoxy, iPhone, debris, found Waste, touch, stoneware, glaze. 2023.

Exhibitor’s text

I´ve looked for the world in a cigarette butt, and heaven in the bin outside my studio. Infinity in a broken screen, and eternity in a pile of leaves. I believe that there is a direct link between matter, landscape, and human worldviews. And that there is a corresponding relationship between touch and mind. By crafting with the landscape, I hope to provide a seat of contemplation, where you might consider our responsibility, as a planetary force, towards finite resources, ecological systems, and other beings.


Touch, matter, debris, stoneware, materiality, functional art, anthropocene, agriculture, geology, material matters, ceramic chair, intersectional, geopolitics, consumerism, anti capitalism, fuck industry, garbology, up cycling, contemporary art, Copenhagen Contemporary.